Squats and Neck Pain
I can't squat not because I have bad knees but because it hurts my neck so much. I think I am so (skinny) that I don't have any meat back there to support the weight. I have tried bunching up a towel and putting it back there but I'm not sure this is a good idea...Would I be best off just to do leg presses? (from James)
You are right in appraising your towel tactic as a bad idea. This can create slippage, a shift of weight and an injury I doubt you want to visit.
Leg presses will certainly increase your comfort level but they will not be as effective as the squat for building muscle. The reason for this is their inability to as effectively work the accessory muscles. This being said, the leg press is certainly a better choice than doing squats with bad form.
Before giving up on the squat, try positioning the bar lower. It should not be resting on the neck but rather just above the rear deltoids (at the very top of the back). Get under the bar (which should be positioned about shoulder heighth on the squat rack), push the shoulders back and then grip the bar resting the weight just below the shoulders.
Alternatively, a great product that addresses this very issue is Adfit's Manta Ray. This is a strange looking device made from polyurethane that acts to distribute the weight load. It really works. It will definitely take care of your problem.
A final thought on squats... Think FORM, FORM, FORM. Use light weights until you have mastered correct form.
JP Clifford