Saturday, February 23, 2008

Science of Steroids

The National Geographic Channel is running a good program titled the "Science Of Steroids." Its an interesting hour for everyone, whether or not you use steroids or have any thoughts about using them.

Science of Steroids

Some things I found particularly interesting from the show:
  • One of the "experts" talked about how using steroids was one of the last things anyone would admit to - they'll admit to spousal abuse, cocaine use and everything else but not steroids. He compared it to pedophilia in terms of the lengths people will got to in order to hide it.

    Strange but true.

  • The program did a good job of addressing the lack of studies on steroids.

    A lot of users are very convinced that there aren't any dangers in using steroids. At my site, I have limited coverage of anabolic steroids. While I'm not pro-steroids (and I don't, never have, and never will use), I'm not hysterically anti-steroids like a lot of the mainstream coverage tends to be (the "you're going to die horribly and immediately" type of coverage). I try to present a fair look at the potential side effects of steroids.

    It's pretty benign stuff.

    But, every few months or so, I get an email from some guy telling me that I'm wrong, that there are no studies that say that steroid use will lead to cardiovascular problems or whatever. They basically tell me that steroid use is akin to chewing gum, that there are no real risks.

    They are right, there are very few studies on side effects. The reasons as explained in the show are the fact that you really can't load humans up on 'roids and wait 20 years to see what happens. Couple that with the fact that users won't admit that they use and you get very limited data to draw from.

    BUT, if you look at the case studies, if you look at the early deaths and medical problems for so many pro wrestlers and bodybuilders, you pretty much have to be blind to not see that these are very dangerous drugs and can have some consequences.

    Those that walk around miffed that anyone would suggest that there are any dangers to steroid use do have their reasons to distrust the medical community's warnings. The medical community has totally botched the whole steroids issue from day one and continues to do so.

    As pointed out in the show, you'll still find medical authorities stating that anabolic steroid use has no effect on muscle building or enhancing athletic performance????

    That's probably even more absurd than denying there are risks associated with use. You shouldn't need definitive studies to be able to make an obvious observation.

  • The fastest growing group of steroid users? Its not athletes, its regular people just looking to use them to improve their appearance.

    Personally, I understand the temptation to use for competitive athletes. Had I been real close to breaking into the major leaugues, I would have felt the temptation (Unfortunately, I was never close). I don't understand why someone would use just to improve their physique?

    I just don't get it. I think a good percentage of those who do choose to use for these reasons really aren't appropriately educated on the subject. And that makes steroids even more dangerous.

JP Clifford

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very intyeresting.. I have a few friends who use anabolic steroids, and have gotten good results from it, but for me it is a pride thing knowing that what results I get I got the ol fashioned way.. I missed this on TV cuz I was at work.. am looking for it online now with no luck though.

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steroid use is not without its setbacks. Unlike many dietary supplements that market themselves in the same context, steroids do work. As such, the body readily interacts with the supra physiological increases in available androgens in your blood - good and bad. Cardiovascular health is known to be effected during anabolic steroid use (regardless of oral or injected). HDL goes down; LDL goes up. Blood triglycerides often remain unaffected - nothing significant at least. Oral steroids can cause liver damage... especially in high doses for long durations. It's all about knowing the risks and how to minimize them enough to use safely... to use with more greater benefit than risk.

Are steroids bad for people simply seeking to improve their body composition? Not really; not in healthy adults. The problem is the abandonment users experience from the medical community (due to legalities and ethics). In non medical steroid use, how many self administers are going to seek their doctors guidance for routine blood work and check ups before, during and/or after a steroid cycle? Not many.

Thanks for sharing. I don't get the National Geographic Channel so hopefully this hits YouTube or goes on DVD soon. I'd like to watch the program.

10:11 AM  
Blogger United States of Addictions said...

The reason why normal people would want to take steriods is the same reason people take most drugs.

People want the fastest results with the least effort.

People get into trouble with Steriods when they think the Steriods will do all the work for them.

If guys take too much too fast the results they get while on Steriods won't stay. The human body is very adaptable and if you take too much of anything your body will fight back to find balance.

The guys who get the best results that last are the guys doing low amounts while under a Doctor's care.

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I saw the same program, I agree with you. It's hard to give good evidence of side effects because everyone reacts differently to steroids some may be perfectly fine while others have tons of side effects.

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woww... I would never use steroids ever.
The bad side effects scares me.
I will stay with natural way.

4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been working outhard and have seen some results but would like to boost it up a bit and try steroids to get to the next level. Any suggestions? Can anyone help on how I should start?

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post on steroids, but still I don't like to use "drugs" to build muscle. I always advise my friends to place their health above anything especially on muscle building. Why let a moment of excitement to ruin the future?

Just my 2cent

Best wishes

4:09 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

The internet has done much to dispel the anabolic steroid hysteria.

Like you, I'm not "pro-steroid," but I don't see a major danger in using small cycles.

By the way, I have a feeling that pro wrestlers have a lot of other unhealthy lifestyle habits besides 'roids.


8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JP, this article is very informative.

Based on my personal opinion and training, use of steroids should be the least method in gaining muscles. But as we all know lots of folks love to succeed faster in any endeavor and as such will adhere to use of steroids.

Lastly, our bodies react different to all substances and as such use of steroids can not be denied by all despite long term side effects.

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loled at the Barry Bonds part

1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want to point out that steroids have received their ill deserved negative rap due to the misfortunate and extreme side-effects experienced by a very small percentage of users.

Very few medical studies exist that actually included healthy male subjects taking "real world" doses. Most emphasis has been placed on studies involving patients with existing conditions and taking much smaller doses. However, many physicians state that, if used responsibly with proper monitoring, cycling steroids will pose little to no long term health issues.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting points you brought up about normal people looking to quickly enhance their physique. I think a common misconception of steroids is something along the lines of "if i take them i will simply become more muscular and be in better physical shape". Although I have never used steroids, I know for a fact results aren't as simple as popping a pill or pushing a syringe. Physical fitness requires devotion, time, and determination-steroids aid the results. Consider the difference between the use of steroids by professional athletes (PAs) is thus: the pros often times do so under the consent of a professional or knowledgeable individual, whereas the general public dives right into heavy usage; PAs devote their life to physical fitness and their sport (its their job) and the avg. joe uses them on the side; PAs have a dietician and personal trainer, on the contrary avg. joe's walk into a gym an throw around weights to some pizza cutter workout from a fitness magazine.

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Smith said...

god steroids..the mirror of your coscience.
Too easy to get big with steroids , too easy to be damaged by steroids.
Nature give us everything... carbos, proteins , vitamins.
Why should we use Steroids?
Just because we are lazy and used to get as fast as possible what we want.

Who use Steroids is a loser.. in sports and in life.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Steve Grindley said...

Interesting points you brought up about normal people looking to quickly enhance their physique. I think a common misconception of steroids is something along the lines of "if i take them i will simply become more muscular and be in better physical shape". Although I have never used steroids, I know for a fact results aren't as simple as popping a pill or pushing a syringe. Physical fitness requires devotion, time, and determination-steroids aid the results. Consider the difference between the use of steroids by professional athletes (PAs) is thus: the pros often times do so under the consent of a professional or knowledgeable individual, whereas the general public dives right into heavy usage; PAs devote their life to physical fitness and their sport (its their job) and the avg. joe uses them on the side; PAs have a dietician and personal trainer, on the contrary avg. joe's walk into a gym an throw around weights to some pizza cutter workout from a fitness magazine.

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Alex said...

nice post thanks

it is true that steroids are not completely safe, but i think that the media made them look so evil that most people now consider them as the next nuclear bomb. their effect is simply exaggerated in my opinion.

5:03 AM  
Anonymous Matt Gilman said...

In my opinion the problem is that you can get those steroids in almost every fitness center nowadays.
You just have to drop a word about how slow your training progress is in presence of a trainer and he will take you steroid shopping.
If it is made that easy, of course there is a temptation to use steroids when being referred by those trainers and have no clue about the harms the steroids can do to your body, even if you gain muscle fast.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Franky said...

If muscle growth is natural, its not going to stick around. Steriods can only make you look good as long as you keep using them. And that just lengthens and worsens the consequences. Our bodies are smart, so if we treat them properly and naturally, the results we can get a longer lasting. For not only can bodybuilding improve on looks, but on your health too. I dont see steroids doing that.

3:35 PM  
Anonymous applied nutriceuticals said...

Lets just say that someone should make a move to do more research into them, so people wanting to take them can atleast make a more informed choice. Especially as to which one may be more suitable for them.

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Shared Decision Making said...

"Steroids a slow killer" is one article that I read few days earlier and this one which is an eye opener.But there are diseases which could not give this a pass as this has become a life saver in their case.

5:42 AM  
Anonymous Nut said...

Nobody could ever honestly say that steroids can't cause long term health issues however using professional wrestlers and bodybuilders as examples is only showing those using in excessive amounts. Salt can cause health issues too in excess, it can even kill you, everything has a LD50. What people need to focus on is responsible use and based on the case studies of responsible use by healthy people we can be rather sure that the long term side effects are minimal. The issue of long term impact comes in with abuse such as that often seen with IFBB pros or professional wreslters.

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Special Ed said...

The lesson here is that in order to gain muscle fast you must have a vigorous training schedule. Don't rely on steroids as they are not worth it.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Kieran said...

I often thought about steroids and it's not that I fear the side-effects, it's the loss of enthusiasm for Health and Fitness that I fear most. What I mean by this is that, if I ever did decide to go on a cycle and found it exceptionally good I probably would only start working-out when I'm doing a cycle because and improvements I would try and make naturally would just be far, far inferior and almost pointless because gear would get me where I want to be in a month or two as oppose to a year or so... I think this would just be to my detriment because I would lose interest in eating, working-out and living well all year round which would probably make me and many of you unhappy if you are, like me, addicted to endorphins! Just my thoughts...

Great Blog btw!

6:09 PM  
Anonymous jason said...

like everything if you abuse it expect to face the consequences.i mean if you drink too much red bull it can seriously do your body harm.its one of those thing you would have to try to see what the fuss is about but like you im on the fence it dont bother me its just not for me.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Michael said...

Very interesting topic...I've contemplated steroid use in the earlier days of my training, but after doing extensive research I decided against it. I didn't need steroids to build the body that I desired, and managed without pretty well. I've reached my goals with proper nutrition, supplementation and training my butt off

8:44 AM  
Anonymous john biller said...

interesting and very informative indeed.. steroids do work but there is always a downside.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Mike Mass said...

Very interesting article. Indeed the majority of people are given wrong information about steroids. These information have made quite a lot of people to be judgmental to steroid users. But indeed there are side effects of using steroid to gain muscle, it's not a magic drug that improves your capabilities with no side effects.

4:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually in the 1960s and 70s there were quite a few studies they were just badly designed ones. Steroids arelaly wern't considered a bad thing until the east bloc was beating us with their superior steroid programs.

1:48 AM  
Anonymous James L. said...

I must admit that the fast gains that come with using steroids are very tempting. I have worked out for years and have made some impressive physical improvements, but nothing compared to what my steroid-using friends have achieved. However, I don't just workout to look good; I also like the feeling that comes along with the hard work and dedication that goes into building each pound of muscle. Using steroids takes away all of that feeling of accomplishment. It is for this reason, along with the negative side effects associated with prolonged steroid use, that I will continue building muscle naturally - the right way. Great posting!!

11:13 PM  
Blogger Mehedi said...

how can i build my muscle?if anyone plz tell me?is it only depends on physical exercise?

10:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The use and risk of steroids is pretty well documented but and like religion and politics people will get upset and angry trying to enforce their view on others and nothing will change.

It is a matter of personal choice. Nothing said here will dissuade either otherwise.

I get more upset at the selling of supplements and their promotion by the bodybuilding elite.I certainly do not like being duped out of my hard earned money.

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Derek Huizinga said...

Incredibly intyeresting.. I have a few close friends who use anabolic steroids, and also have gotten good outcomes from it, but for me it is actually a pride matter realizing that what final results I get I obtained the ol fashioned way.. I missed this on Tv cuz I was at work.. am seeking for it on-line now with no luck nevertheless.

6:51 AM  
Anonymous Erik said...

Nice stuff! Keep up the work on posts like this....enjoyed it.

3:29 AM  
Anonymous Michael B said...

The sad thing is that professional athletes pretty much "have" to use anabolic steroids in order to stay competitive, but what really bothers me is the fact that I've started noticing many school boys in the gym that are clearly on roids, how else could you be that huge, with a six pack and have man boobs at the same time. Sad but true, I'm not sure if it's just this bad in my country

2:36 PM  

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