Saturday, February 23, 2008

Science of Steroids

The National Geographic Channel is running a good program titled the "Science Of Steroids." Its an interesting hour for everyone, whether or not you use steroids or have any thoughts about using them.

Science of Steroids

Some things I found particularly interesting from the show:
  • One of the "experts" talked about how using steroids was one of the last things anyone would admit to - they'll admit to spousal abuse, cocaine use and everything else but not steroids. He compared it to pedophilia in terms of the lengths people will got to in order to hide it.

    Strange but true.

  • The program did a good job of addressing the lack of studies on steroids.

    A lot of users are very convinced that there aren't any dangers in using steroids. At my site, I have limited coverage of anabolic steroids. While I'm not pro-steroids (and I don't, never have, and never will use), I'm not hysterically anti-steroids like a lot of the mainstream coverage tends to be (the "you're going to die horribly and immediately" type of coverage). I try to present a fair look at the potential side effects of steroids.

    It's pretty benign stuff.

    But, every few months or so, I get an email from some guy telling me that I'm wrong, that there are no studies that say that steroid use will lead to cardiovascular problems or whatever. They basically tell me that steroid use is akin to chewing gum, that there are no real risks.

    They are right, there are very few studies on side effects. The reasons as explained in the show are the fact that you really can't load humans up on 'roids and wait 20 years to see what happens. Couple that with the fact that users won't admit that they use and you get very limited data to draw from.

    BUT, if you look at the case studies, if you look at the early deaths and medical problems for so many pro wrestlers and bodybuilders, you pretty much have to be blind to not see that these are very dangerous drugs and can have some consequences.

    Those that walk around miffed that anyone would suggest that there are any dangers to steroid use do have their reasons to distrust the medical community's warnings. The medical community has totally botched the whole steroids issue from day one and continues to do so.

    As pointed out in the show, you'll still find medical authorities stating that anabolic steroid use has no effect on muscle building or enhancing athletic performance????

    That's probably even more absurd than denying there are risks associated with use. You shouldn't need definitive studies to be able to make an obvious observation.

  • The fastest growing group of steroid users? Its not athletes, its regular people just looking to use them to improve their appearance.

    Personally, I understand the temptation to use for competitive athletes. Had I been real close to breaking into the major leaugues, I would have felt the temptation (Unfortunately, I was never close). I don't understand why someone would use just to improve their physique?

    I just don't get it. I think a good percentage of those who do choose to use for these reasons really aren't appropriately educated on the subject. And that makes steroids even more dangerous.

JP Clifford

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