Friday, September 21, 2007

Top Muscle Building Supplements

You wouldn't ordinarily expect to look to Forbes for good supplement advice, but here it is:

Forbes on Muscle Building Supplements

Kudos to Forbes for not taking the easy route and just going with the "all supplements suck and no one needs them" like a lot of their mainstream counterparts. Looking a little deeper, they found a professor of kinesiology and someone from the Council For Responsible Nutrition who had a little more knowlegeable, rational views.

Truth is, the right muscle building supplements can give trainers a boost. They aren't going to do the work for you, but they can give you a little boost.

Good advice throughout this article. I'd disagree that it is a good idea to get creatine with carbs added (the money the supplement companies charge to add those carbs is ridiculous, you can get the base creatine monohydrate powder and add carbs yourself much, much cheaper) - How To Take Creatine For Maximum Effect.

I also disagree with taking creatine pre-workout, I think it makes more since post-workout - Dr. Franco-Obregón on When To Take Creatine.

But, a good article.

What are the right supplements for muscle building? Check my Effective Bodybuilding Supplement Guide

JP Clifford

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Natural Bodybuilders Don't Lie

Well, if they do, they are about to be exposed if this becomes a trend. The British Natural Bodybuilding Championships will begin using lie detectors to test for illegal drug use.

Bodybuilding Lie Detection

Steroid experts have long been saying that steroid users testing positive is the result of inexperience or error. In other words, today's tests can be beat if you know what you are doing - masking agents can be effectively used to mask steroid use.

This falls in line with the relative lack of big name superstars who are caught by testing. Instead it is usually the lower level athletes in various sports, the ones who may not have as strong a support system backing their use, who seem to be the ones affected most by testing.

Then you have certain substances like HGH which are not detectable by any current test.

I'm not up on the reliability of polygraph tests. However, as their results are not allowed in court, I'm not sure this idea has a chance to be implemented in the major sports. It is an interesting idea though.

Looking at it another way, maybe it would just open up career paths for sociopaths?

JP Clifford