Limiting Fat Gains
hey jp ive had so much trouble putting on weight that was actually muscle, i feel like this could be the answer. however im afraid that i will get fat instead of gain solid muscle gains. can you tell me what i can do to make sure that this doesnt happen? (from Brysen)
A few things work towards minimizing fat gains....
1) Many small meals as opposed to a few big ones. This works to keep the body from perceiving a need to store energy because it isn't sure when its next meal is coming. 5 meals a day is good but if this is a real problem for you go with more - up to 8 or even 9.
2) Your nutrient ratio - percentage of protein, carbs and fats in your diet. Generally, the biggest contributor to fat gains are simple carbs. Try to minimize them in your diet, get a good amount of protein and don't forget the fat (primarily from EFAs).
3) Include protein at every meal. This can help to moderate insulin release which will discourage fat gains.
These things being said, you don't want to freak out over a little fat gain. For most of us, accepting a little fat gain is necessary to get some muscle. When you have achieved some muscle mass gain, then go back and concentrate on losing the unwanted fat that came along with it. Newly acquired fat is generally the easiest to lose. Concentrating on one thing at a time like this is a much quicker way to get where you are going than fretting over a little fat. Trying to gain only muscle is a recipe for getting nothing accomplished.
When starting out it can be hard to determine where the weight gain you get is going, how much is muscle and how much is fat. This is why I tell people to track their weight gain programs - Tracking Your Weight Gain Program - meaning getting an idea of their body fat percentages and lean body mass (lbm). This will give you an idea of how much of your gains are coming in the form of muscle and how much in fat. This can help calm "fat fears" as well as providing solid information you can use to make adjustments to your program.
Also see Eating to Gain Weight: Body Fat Concerns
JP Clifford